
Atlanta foreclosures

The typical foreclosure story is rather common: homeowner can no longer make payments, homeowner goes into foreclosure and loses the home, home goes on the market. But every once in a while a foreclosed home or two falls off the back of the proverbial truck, as DS News reported on September 11, 2009. According to the story, Wells Fargo executive Cheronda Guyton was found to have:

US States

Atlanta Georgia foreclosure homes

Question: If I lose my property through foreclosure, can I get any money from the foreclosure sale? – Answer: Yes. But first, any remaining balance on the mortgage will be paid along with all outstanding property taxes and court fees. In most cases, very little, if any money, will be left for you to get.

US States

Atlanta Georgia foreclosure homes

Q8: How does RealtyTrac help me pursue and buy properties once I subscribe? – Answer: Although RealtyTrac is not an agent or broker directly selling properties, RealtyTrac has several tools and resources available to subscribers to assist in pursuing any property listed in the RealtyTrac database. We are continuing to add features to make the site more useful to buyers. Explore: What RealtyTrac provides you


Atlanta Georgia foreclosure

Question: When do foreclosure proceedings start? – Answer: In most cases, foreclosure proceedings are started when payments become delinquent.