Maintain your self-esteem. Try very, very hard not to panic or beat yourself up right now. This is a time to stay sharp, take charge of your situation and stick up for yourself. Remember that you
Tag: foreclosure
foreclosures albuquerque
Consider filing for personal bankruptcy protection. This is a last-ditch tactic to be sure, but it may be better for you than a foreclosure. With a foreclosure, your home will be taken away from you, your credit rating will be seriously damaged and you
Set financial priorities that fit your current circumstances. When you
foreclosure stop
Seek out legitimate help. Considering how many con artists have emerged during the mortgage meltdown, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Here are some options to try that aren
foreclosure solutions
foreclosure sales
Explore the
foreclosure rates
Consider selling your home. This may be one of the most painful decisions you
foreclosure radar
Understand your mortgage rights. As unappealing as this task may seem, dig out that pile of loan documents you received when you bought your home. Start scanning them for the answer to this question: What can your lender do to you if you
foreclosure properties
Contact your lender and explain your situation. This step may scare you to death
foreclosure process
Face the problem head-on. Have you fallen into the habit of throwing all the ominous-looking mail you