Chain of Title | A succession of conveyances that comprises the title record history to a specific parcel of real property.
Tag: foreclosure
Q. How does a foreclosure affect my credit? – Ans. Well, it is serious. The lenders I have spoken with tell me it will be about a 400 pt hit on you credit score. Really foreclosure is the last resort. There are a number of things that can possibly be done before you get to that point.
Certificate of Sale foreclosure
Certificate of Sale | A certificate issued at a judicial sale that entitles the buyer to receive a deed after confirmation of court for the purchase of the property.
Birmingham Alabama foreclosure
Cash Flow foreclosure
Cash Flow | The surplus left over out of the rents after paying out all operating expenses and mortgage payments.
Norfolk Virginia foreclosure
Capital Gain foreclosure
Capital Gain | A profit earned from the sale of an asset.
Madison Wisconsin foreclosure
Q. Can I still live there after the Sherrif sells my house? – Ans. Yes, until the redemption period is up you can live in it. But if you move out, the lender may be able to accelerate the foreclosure period and take the property back quicker because the property was
Buyers Market foreclosure
Buyers Market | A market condition where there are fewer buyers than there are sellers. Usually indicated when a property is on the market for more than 90 days and interest rates are very high. (12% or higher)
Orlando Florida foreclosure
What is strict foreclosure? – Not a common procedure, a strict foreclosure does not require a sale. Once the proceeding has begun, the borrower has only a certain amount of time to pay what is owed. After this time, the title reverts to the lender. Strict foreclosure has been seen in many Oregon and California cases, usually taking place regarding land contracts.