
foreclosure houses

One man in Ohio named Terry Hoskins actually bulldozed his own home rather than let the bank foreclose it….

The average homeowner that can t afford an attorney or can fight as long as we have, they don t stand a chance, he said.

Hoskins said he d gotten a $170,000 offer from someone to pay off the house, but the bank refused, saying they could get more from selling it in foreclosure.

Hoskins told News 5 s Courtis Fuller that he issued the bank an ultimatum.

I ll tear it down before I let you take it, Hoskins told them.

And that s exactly what Hoskins did.


foreclosure house

Dealing with mortgage lenders has become so frustrating that some people are on the verge of just giving up….

I am self-employed, have been all my life and have owned a home for 30 years. When I started my Loan Modification process in August of 09 I WAS NOT behind on any payments. I sent full documentation, over 150 pages, with the things they needed to verify my income. I am now 2 payments behind and I am getting nowhere. They keep flipping me between Loss Mitigation and Imminent Default, back and fourth month end month out. I made a habit of calling every week, then every two weeks just to be sure all was moving forward. From the middle of November I was told my file was with the underwriter and it would only be 30-60 days. I began automatically updating my income verification, verification that I still resided at the property and an updated 4506-T every month. In the middle of April a rep finally told me I was not in the loan modification process. In fact, that I had been denied on March 2. Keep in mind, I m talking to these people every 2 weeks. She did a financial interview and sent me a new packet so that I could start all over, resubmitting all the documentation yet again. She told me she was my Account Manager. I completed the packet, called with a question (2 weeks later – over a week to receive the packet and another few days to complete it and gather all my documents again) and learned that my Account Manager was on maternity leave and I now didn t have an account manager. Also, I was told that I had received the incorrect packet…it was the old version rather than the updated version. She asked me to fax four or five pieces of information in the hopes it would, quote, jump start my file back into the process and said she we send me another packet. That was mid April. Here we sit, 2-1/2 months later, I have still not received anything in writing about my rejection. And, though I ve now had people tell me on three separate occasions that I would receive a new packet, it has yet to show up on my door step. I asked several times why my application was denied and the answer I finally got last week was that it was because I was DELIQUENT in my payments. Call me crazy but I thought that was the whole point??!! I almost hired a third party but am so hesitant to take that step. Every time I get on the phone with them it takes an hour out of my day and I am usually so upset I find it difficult to work, so I just don t call. I m going to sit back and regroup and decide what I need to do next.


foreclosure homes

The foreclosure crisis that we are currently witnessing is one of the greatest economic tragedies that we have seen in America in modern times. Millions of people are getting kicked out of their homes, and the U.S. government and mortgage lenders are providing little to no real help. It is a real shame to see so many American families get dumped out on to the street because of the greed of a few. And unfortunately, foreclosures in the United States continue to set new records. The number of foreclosures set another all-time record for the second consecutive month in May. In addition, the number of newly initiated foreclosures rose 18.6 percent to 370,856 during the first quarter of 2010. What that means is that the foreclosure crisis is getting even worse. Tens of millions of Americans desperately need foreclosure help, but pretty much nobody seems interested in helping them. Foreclosure horror stories are multiplying as large numbers of American families are struggling to pay mortgages that they didn t understand and couldn t afford in the first place. Unless someone steps forward to help the tens of millions of Americans that are in danger of foreclosure, the tragedy is going to end up being unspeakable.


Las Vegas foreclosures

With hundreds of thousands of new foreclosure filings piling up each month, mistakes are inevitable. When a mistake winds up wrongly putting someone


New York foreclosures

The wave of foreclosures has engulfed many homeowners who are beloved by their neighbors and communities, leading to protests and rallies aimed at getting their foreclosures called off. This was the case in Clinton, Minnesota in September, when a planned eviction was obstructed by a squad of activist protesters. The scene got ugly in a hurry, as reports:


Atlanta foreclosures

The typical foreclosure story is rather common: homeowner can no longer make payments, homeowner goes into foreclosure and loses the home, home goes on the market. But every once in a while a foreclosed home or two falls off the back of the proverbial truck, as DS News reported on September 11, 2009. According to the story, Wells Fargo executive Cheronda Guyton was found to have:


West Palm Beach foreclosures

Apparently some banks actually want you to default so that they can foreclose your house….

They paid the taxes on another house with a vaguely similar address (but much higher tax rate)and sent me a new payment book with my monthly amount roughly doubled to make up for the mysterious increase in tax payments. After the problem was identified, they promised to fix it, but never did, despite repeated calls from myself. Letters went unanswered.

Next thing I know, the tax people in my town are telling me that my taxes haven t been paid and my property is delinquent. After that, Chase labels my account as past due and begins to assess late fees and threaten foreclosure. I call Chase and am automatically routed to collection people who do nothing but scream abusively at me to pay my bill.

Virtually no attorney will touch the case because they all want to keep getting business from a large financial corporation. Out of desperation, I finally contact the New York Banking Commission. Over the course of months, Chase – very, very grudgingly – corrects most of their errors. They never stop being nasty, and begin to imply that they might sue me anytime I refuse to accept their initial offer.

This process took approximately four years to complete. I eventually was forced to default on the property for a number of reasons, some of which were unrelated to Chase. At this point, I discovered that they actually WANT you to default on FHA insured properties, apparently because they make out rather well, or so my realtor claims. In any case, it was the first time they were actually very pleasant and cheerful on the phone. Go figure.


Orlando foreclosures

One man in Ohio named Terry Hoskins actually bulldozed his own home rather than let the bank foreclose it….

The average homeowner that can t afford an attorney or can fight as long as we have, they don t stand a chance, he said.

Hoskins said he d gotten a $170,000 offer from someone to pay off the house, but the bank refused, saying they could get more from selling it in foreclosure.

Hoskins told News 5 s Courtis Fuller that he issued the bank an ultimatum.

I ll tear it down before I let you take it, Hoskins told them.

And that s exactly what Hoskins did.


Miami foreclosures

Dealing with mortgage lenders has become so frustrating that some people are on the verge of just giving up….

I am self-employed, have been all my life and have owned a home for 30 years. When I started my Loan Modification process in August of 09 I WAS NOT behind on any payments. I sent full documentation, over 150 pages, with the things they needed to verify my income. I am now 2 payments behind and I am getting nowhere. They keep flipping me between Loss Mitigation and Imminent Default, back and fourth month end month out. I made a habit of calling every week, then every two weeks just to be sure all was moving forward. From the middle of November I was told my file was with the underwriter and it would only be 30-60 days. I began automatically updating my income verification, verification that I still resided at the property and an updated 4506-T every month. In the middle of April a rep finally told me I was not in the loan modification process. In fact, that I had been denied on March 2. Keep in mind, I m talking to these people every 2 weeks. She did a financial interview and sent me a new packet so that I could start all over, resubmitting all the documentation yet again. She told me she was my Account Manager. I completed the packet, called with a question (2 weeks later – over a week to receive the packet and another few days to complete it and gather all my documents again) and learned that my Account Manager was on maternity leave and I now didn t have an account manager. Also, I was told that I had received the incorrect packet…it was the old version rather than the updated version. She asked me to fax four or five pieces of information in the hopes it would, quote, jump start my file back into the process and said she we send me another packet. That was mid April. Here we sit, 2-1/2 months later, I have still not received anything in writing about my rejection. And, though I ve now had people tell me on three separate occasions that I would receive a new packet, it has yet to show up on my door step. I asked several times why my application was denied and the answer I finally got last week was that it was because I was DELIQUENT in my payments. Call me crazy but I thought that was the whole point??!! I almost hired a third party but am so hesitant to take that step. Every time I get on the phone with them it takes an hour out of my day and I am usually so upset I find it difficult to work, so I just don t call. I m going to sit back and regroup and decide what I need to do next.


Los Angeles foreclosures

The foreclosure crisis that we are currently witnessing is one of the greatest economic tragedies that we have seen in America in modern times. Millions of people are getting kicked out of their homes, and the U.S. government and mortgage lenders are providing little to no real help. It is a real shame to see so many American families get dumped out on to the street because of the greed of a few. And unfortunately, foreclosures in the United States continue to set new records. The number of foreclosures set another all-time record for the second consecutive month in May. In addition, the number of newly initiated foreclosures rose 18.6 percent to 370,856 during the first quarter of 2010. What that means is that the foreclosure crisis is getting even worse. Tens of millions of Americans desperately need foreclosure help, but pretty much nobody seems interested in helping them. Foreclosure horror stories are multiplying as large numbers of American families are struggling to pay mortgages that they didn t understand and couldn t afford in the first place. Unless someone steps forward to help the tens of millions of Americans that are in danger of foreclosure, the tragedy is going to end up being unspeakable.