
Peoria Illinois foreclosure

Q7: What are foreclosures and how do I learn more about buying foreclosures? – Answer: Foreclosure is a legal process that allows a lender/bank to sell or take possession of a property due to non-payment of a loan that is secured by that property. RealtyTrac posts properties that have already been foreclosed (Bank Owned) and properties that are in the foreclosure process (Pre-Foreclosure, Auction). Buyers have three opportunities to purchase property during foreclosure. Buying Pre-Foreclosure, Buying at Auction, Buying Bank Owned (REO)


Peoria Arizona foreclosure

Question: How many payments can I miss before my lender puts my property in foreclosure? – Answer: It depends on what type of loan you have. Your mortgage contract should state how many payment you can miss before a Notice of Default is filed and sent to you.